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News from 2022

November 16, 2022: Salamanders for the Cornell Herp Society!

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Brandon is giving a talk on climate and salamanders for the Cornell Herpetological Society discussing some work he did as a postdoc, as an assistant professor at LSU, and work he's currently doing at Cornell.


If you're keen to come see salamanders in the field, definitely contact Brandon for fieldwork this Spring in Ithaca!

August 1, 2022: The Hedrick Lab has moved to Cornell!


The Hedrick Lab has relocated to the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell! We will be hiring postdocs and welcome any graduate students or undergraduates interested in participating in research here at the Hedrick Lab. Contact Brandon ( if you are interested in applying!

May 26, 2022: New Papers Out with Undergraduate First Authors


We published two papers with undergraduate first authors partnered with the Brennan lab at Mount Holyoke College on watersnake genital shape, copulatory fit, and sexual selection. One was led by Juliet Greenwood ( by Genesis Lara Granados ( guys!


Tanner Frank (now a PhD student at UC Berkeley) just published his undergraduate thesis on the form and function of the avian pelvis in the Journal of Morphology ( Wonderful to get this one out!

April 3, 2022: Bat House Building Workshop and Turtle Fieldwork!


The Hedrick Lab led a bat house building workshop partnered with the Louisiana Master Naturalists. We built 11 boxes and distributed them to attendees hopefully giving some Louisiana bats a nice new home! (left)


Additionally, we started a new field conservation project centered on musk turtles and urbanization. We got our first turtles last night so the project is underway! (right)

January 10, 2022: Hedrick Lab at SICB


Erin Sheehy and Kara Abazajian presented their undergraduate research projects at the annual Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology conference in Phoenix. Erin is currently working on writing up her research for publication and Kara is collecting more data. They did a wonderful job representing their work and the Hedrick lab!

Follow me

Brandon P. Hedrick

Cornell University

College of Veterinary Medicine

Department of Biomedical Sciences

Ithaca NY

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T: (607) 253-2169  

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